There are strategies and techniques to win your case and this may include:

Motion to strike out warrant or motion to suppress evidence

  • An experienced lawyer will file proceedings in court to stop the search and seizure. He may file a certificate of urgency to court so that an early hearing will be heard before the Judge or magistrate. The search and seizure must all be done in accordance with legal and constitutional guidelines, or else any evidence gained is inadmissible.

Motion for discovery

  • How to find out what evidence the prosecution has against you, including police reports, chemical tests, substance analysis, witness information,  and more.

Motion for speedy trial

  • If your trial has been delayed, you may not be able to get a fair trial,  and the case should be dismissed.

A thorough investigation.

  • You may need private investigators to look into details of your case, talk to witnesses and testify to facts they have learned, to get information admitted without putting you on the stand.

Subpoena witnesses.

  • Witnesses may need to testify to what they know whether the information discovered would help your case.

Expert Witness

  • Testimony – Expert analysis may help explain facts about substances found, chemical testing procedures and flaw, and other facts.

Scene of crime

  • Visit scene of crime and study how things happened at the scene and to find out whether there was possibility that physical evidence collected at the scene been fixed up.